“Plants are our best teachers.
Trees can teach us what no other master can.
Plants teach us to be in contact with our souls, our spirits.”
Mikael Zayat
We are deeply honored to have the master alchemist Mikael Zayat return after many years, to build a living labyrinth out of herbs and plants, and to share his wisdom on essential oils and holistic aromatherapy. Read more about Mikael in Czech and English here.
APRIL 19, 2016 — 17:00- 21:00:
Alchymie esenciálních olejů
Barevný svět, Gorazdova 18, Praha 2
Reserve a place here.
APRIL 20, 2016 — 17:00- 21:00:
Esenciální oleje a duše rostlin
Barevný svět, Gorazdova 18, Praha 2
Reserve a place here.
APRIL 22- 24, 2016 — 2 day workshop
Holistická Aromaterapie
Maitrea- reserve a place here.
“Education is the positive interaction
of the whole person with the whole environment.
What we have to learn is to learn to be.
When you are struggling with something,
when there is a problem,
it is your inner self that will eventually find the solution.
What I teach is intuition.
There is something much greater that guides us through our lives.”
Mikael Zayat
Canadian alchemist of Syrian origin, essence maker, intuitive aromatherapist