My na to máme (We’ve Got What It Takes) is an inspiration portal for innovative inclusive education. A dynamic resource for teachers, parents and all people involved in educating.

We inspire

By bringing thought-provoking and informative articles, videos and interviews from various media in one place.

We present

Films about education from our own and foreign productions, and present schools with good practices of inclusion to a larger public. We also present inspiring actors in the field, and innovative pedagogical approaches and discussions on the future of education.

We promote tools

On the portal you will find courses and materials for teachers, students of pedagogy and parents. All tools come from proven training organizations with field experience.

We connect

Our vision is to support a community of teachers, students of pedagogy and education experts. Through the current and planned additional features of the portal, we aim to promote openness, innovation and a lively nourishing atmosphere in the Czech educational community for students, teachers and parents alike.

Our name – the name of our portal, We’ve Got What It Takes, was chosen by a group of extraordinary children who are living in a socially excluded context, and who themselves have faced the issue of exclusion. This is the name they chose for their after school club. They inspired us greatly, and in their honor we have chosen to use this name for this portal.


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