Art and activism to protect the sacred indigenous sites
Navajo musician and activist Klee Benally (Blackfire) shares short films, a discussion of protection of sacred sites, and an acoustic performance including traditional songs.
Klee will share about the indigenous resistance and liberation struggles in the US, such as current efforts to protect the San Francisco Peaks in Arizona (, & relocation and resistance to resource colonization on Black Mesa. This evening will include short films, presentation and discussion, & an acoustic musical and singing performance.
Presenter/ lecturer/ artist:
Klee Benally, formerly of the group Blackfire, has worked nearly all of his life at the front lines in struggles to protect Indigenous sacred lands. From occupying Border Patrol headquarters in Arizona to call an end to militarization on Indigenous lands to multiple arrests in direct action to protect the San Francisco Peaks, Klee will discuss these struggles, intersections of anti-oppression work in the context of neoliberalism and corporate globalization, and what is currently being done to fight for a livable and healthy world.
15. října. 2013, 20:00-22:00
Divadlo na Kampě